Based on an average of 6 Recover core product LCAs verified by BCome , the emissions associated with shipping our materials and products across our supply chain from mile zero to our order fulfillment center are 93 % less than the industry standard .
We have a 96 % traceability rate across our supply chains , meaning we know exactly where and how our materials and products are made . This data comes from an average of 6 core products verified by BCome .
93 % lower shipping emissions across our supply chains
Based on an average of 6 Recover core product LCAs verified by BCome , the emissions associated with shipping our materials and products across our supply chain from mile zero to our order fulfillment center are 93 % less than the industry standard .
96 % traceability rate across our supply chains
We have a 96 % traceability rate across our supply chains , meaning we know exactly where and how our materials and products are made . This data comes from an average of 6 core products verified by BCome .