Recession Response Issue | Page 29

"AN AVID BELIEVER IN THE 'LEADERS EAT LAST' MENTALITY, SULLIVAN OPTED FOR A PEOPLE-BEFORE-PROFITS MODEL IN MANAGING HIS BUSINESS THROUGH THIS CRISIS." add an Elder Law and Medicaid Planning division would create stability of profits for decades to come. With a strong reputation and proven-to-be-effective marketing strategy, he knows his firm will be competitive securing a share in this market, and he is confident this diversification will create the opportunity the firm needs to continue building its legacy. REBUILDING HIS FIRM’S FOUNDATION Just as auto manufacturers and other manufacturing companies have responded to the pandemic by building new products, Sullivan’s law firm is using the gift of time created by the pandemic to learn a new skill set and serve its existing clients. The attorneys have invested in educational resources in Elder Law and Medicaid Planning, ensuring his firm is prepared to more effectively serve a new client base. His staff is regularly reaching out to its existing clients, especially those that are elderly, to ensure their health and safety. He is also spending his time developing systems that will make regular operations more efficient for his team and increase the firm’s capacity for new business. Working with Mike’s Five Prongs of Impact in mind, Sullivan has begun putting new automated systems in place to make everyone’s job easier, speeding up form creation and the delegation of tasks, to start. PREPARING FOR A NEW DIRECTION Sullivan reports that the pandemic and reading Mike’s book served as a much-needed gut punch. One sentence that he highlighted and underlined is found on page 211: “Is your business prepared for hard or impossible-to-predict change?” With clear eyes and extremely clean (and sanitized) hands, Sullivan looks forward to using the tools learned from Fix This Next to improve his firm’s financial health and security. Recently, Sullivan was perusing posts in a dedicated attorney Facebook group, looking for feedback on how other firms were responding to the crisis. He stumbled across a post requesting book recommendations for succeeding in the current economic environment. To his surprise, Profit First was the number one recommended book and is next on Sullivan’s list to read as he continues to build the firm. LEARN MORE AT DEFENSEHELP.COM • 15