Recession Response Issue | Page 23

The economic downturn has left us trying to figure out the best course of action. How do we navigate through this uncharted territory? Before you make your next move, ask yourself – Are you complying with the course, or are you complying with the concern? Let’s use the pandemic to illustrate. To comply with the course is to be proactive – practicing social distancing, washing your hands and avoiding large gatherings. The concern is our reaction – when you overexert yourself in a behavior that is of no benefit (e.g. all the toilet paper), while simultaneously ignoring the course. There is no benefit to purely reacting, because then you are disregarding the course that will inevitably help you. This scenario translates into your business as well. You’re likely attempting to go about business as usual in unusual circumstances. However, you must adjust your business and deliver your services or products in a way that addresses the circumstances around you. If you think you should take on debt, take out loans, get more credit cards so you have more money to keep your business afloat, please reconsider. More money may (and I mean may) help in the short term. But remember, money will only carry your business as it is today, without making the real adjustments you need in the long term. Besides, you don’t want to take on the burden of added debt. Instead, analyze your business and define what the core competency is that you deliver. How will you adjust your existing offering to the current environment? Maybe this means moving to online services and training, virtual conferences replacing in person ones, or consultations for future endeavors with clients. Invest in a new method to serve your clients by asking them how you can serve them in a way that will help them right now. Ask yourself one more time. Are you responding to the concern to barely survive, which will have long term detrimental consequences? Or, are you responding to the course in the best interest of your business and to sustain it?