Recession Response Issue | Page 18

RECESSION RESPONSE SPOTLIGHT COTTONW COFFEE: A MEETING OF MINDS FOR ACCELERATED AND STRATEGIC PANDEMIC POSITIONING BY: JACOB LIMMER, OWNER, COTTONWOOD COFFE I opened my first retail location in 2006 with the vision of a classic coffee shop in historic downtown Brookings, South Dakota. When that went well, I opened a second bistro location across town in 2008. Eight years ago, I took the leap and expanded into the wholesale market for premium roasted coffee. Mike helped position the company for steady growth and has enabled us to survive the current recession. My first experience with Mike’s approach came with Clockwork. What initially stood out to me was the invitation in the preface to email him, an invitation he extends in every book. I appreciated the opportunity to get in touch with him personally when planning to carry out the specific actionable item that he set out. In Clockwork, he invites you to reach out when planning to take a four-week vacation from your company. This time came for me, and I was looking to develop a somewhat automated process that would enable me to go away stress free. 10 •