f Needs
right now, you can still work within the Order level to create
long term organization. Each level of The Business Hierarchy
of Needs has five needs within them. Within the Order level,
I feel linchpin redundancy is one of the most important.
Ask yourself, is your company designed to operate unabated
if a key employee is out? One way to find out is to have an
employee go on an extended vacation or break. Not only is
it preferable for that employee to recharge, but it forces the
redundancy in your business. This way there is no dependency
on one single employee and their IP. The employee creates
systems in which strategies are shared and retained, therefore
empowering the rest of the company to fill in.
We did this here in our offices. I told Kelsey, now our
company president, to go on a four week sabbatical. For
months prior, she created and shared systems to cross train
our employees. And now, we are doing it again with the rest
of the team. We are each sharing our systems with video
training and all the resources you can ask for. We are able
to work independently, and virtually, though our recent
virtual experience has made us all realize we much rather be
together in the office.
Another pro tip for times like these? Ensure there is protected
capacity. Most businesses need about 20 percent idle time,
or protected capacity. This allows your company to handle
any surge that requires attention. That idle time doesn’t mean
the employee isn’t at full capacity. Rather, 20 percent can
be made of something that can be put on hold when needed.
Now – You don’t want to go so lean, that the business is able
to just squeak by to get things done. While that may be cost
effective, you must have protected capacity or your company
will not survive the surge and shifts.
These are just a couple of tips that I know will serve you in
your business both now, and when this crisis is over.