RecConnect_Oct to Dec

INSIDE THIS ISSUE ... YOUTH PROGRAMS ..................................... 2 ADULT PROGRAMS & 50 + PROGRAMS ......... 3 50 + PROGRAMS .......................................... 4





Note from the Parks and Recreation Director

I ’ m excited to announce that in the coming months , the Town of Jupiter will be working with a consultant to develop a Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan .
The master planning process will help the Town develop a community-supported plan for our parks and recreational facilities that can be successfully implemented through the Community Investment Program ( CIP ) and comprehensive planning . This plan will focus on the current state and future improvements to Town parks and indoor recreation facilities , including athletic facilities , neighborhood parks and playgrounds . The plan will be completed after a thorough evaluation of existing parks and facilities ; public input through community meetings , focus groups

Community Events and Happenings

and surveys ; research on current parks and recreation trends and standards ; evaluation of the Town ’ s Comprehensive Plan and levels of service requirements ; and input from elected officials , Town staff , key stakeholders and the public .
The Master Plan will be a guiding document for future development and redevelopment of the Town ’ s system of parks and recreational facilities over the next ten years .
Feedback from Town residents is essential in this planning process so stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved and ensure your voice is heard . Parks and Recreation truly is where our community grows as we strive to preserve Jupiter ’ s unique character , history and vibrant small-town feel . We accomplish this by leveraging the unique combination of community , cultural and recreational assets that make Jupiter such a special place to work and live . I look forward to seeing you all soon as we kick off this process of developing our Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan !
INSIDE THIS ISSUE ... YOUTH PROGRAMS ..................................... 2 ADULT PROGRAMS & 50 + PROGRAMS ......... 3 50 + PROGRAMS .......................................... 4

Connect With Us

Subscribe to receive email notifications of Town-sponsored events , workshops and recreation activities .
Visit jupiter . fl . us / NotifyMe or click on the Notify Me button on the Town ’ s homepage to sign up .
More updates and information available on social media :
jupiter . fl . us / StayInformed



Friday , October 27 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Jupiter Community Center
jupiter . fl . us / Halloween

Veterans Day Ceremony Saturday , November 11 9:00 am Veterans Memorial

jupiter . fl . us / VeteransMemorial

Halloween Skate & Scooter Contest Saturday , October 28 2:00 - 9:00 pm

See page 2 for event details .

Friday , December 1

5:30 - 8:30 pm
Abacoa Community Park jupiter . fl . us / SnowPlace
Featuring a Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:30 pm

Letters to Santa

Once again , the Town is teaming up with Santa ’ s elves to collect letters from Monday , November 27 through Friday , December 15 . Get your letter to the North Pole by dropping it off at the Jupiter Community Center lobby or mail it in .
Send your letters to : Santa c / o Jupiter Parks and Recreation Department 200 Military Trail Jupiter , FL 33458

Special Announcement

In observance of the upcoming holidays , the Jupiter Community Center will be closed or offer abbreviated hours as follows : November 2023
December 2023
• Friday , 11 / 10 - closed in observance of Veteran ’ s Day
• Saturday , 12 / 23 to Tuesday , 12 / 26 - Closed in observance of Christmas
• Wednesday , 11 / 22 - abbreviated hours ; 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
• Wednesday , 12 / 27 to Friday , 12 / 29 - abbreviated hours ; 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
• Thursday , 11 / 23 to Saturday , 11 / 25 - Closed in observance of Thanksgiving • Saturday , 12 / 30 to Monday , 1 / 2 - closed in observance of New Year ’ s
• Tuesday , 1 / 2 to Friday , 1 / 5 - abbreviated hours ; 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

For up-to-date park hours and information , please visit jupiter . fl . us / Recreation .

Jupiter Community Center
Jupiter Skate Park Abacoa Community Park
Jupiter Community Park
200 MILITARY TRAIL Ph . 561-741-2400
1501 W . FREDERICK SMALL ROAD Ph . 561-630-5684
1501 W . FREDERICK SMALL ROAD Ph . 561-630-5684
3377 CHURCH STREET Ph . 561-762-5473
www . jupiter . fl . us / Recreation • Jupiter Community Center : 561-741-2400 Page 1