RebrandPress 2.0's Key Features:
Full WordPress Rebrand Capability
Get full control of your WordPress install dashboard for any theme, product or service.
Easily change login screen setup, add a bright color schemes, hide & show dashboard
sections and many more incredible features.
Automatically Creates ALL of the Pages
RebrandPress 2.0 gives you options to automatically create all pages for your websites,
from About Page, Contact Page, Legal Pages and More! No extra theme installation
needed to be installed, RebrandPress 2.0 have this option under the hood.
Automatically Deletes Default WordPress References
Make the WordPress dashboard entirely your own by customizing it based on your
products and services. With RebrandPress 2.0 you have the ability to customize how
your dashboard to make it your own by removing all WordPress references like posts,
pages and comments.
Full Control of User Preferences
Manage, choose and set capabilities for single or multiple users that have access to the
WordPress install dashboard of your product.
Installs MULTIPLE Plugins at Once
RebrandPress 2.0 now supports and gives you the ability to install multiple WordPress
plugins from zip folders and URLS that would help your products functionality.
Add Categories, Multiple Blank Pages and Posts
With this awesome upgrade to RebrandPress you can now add multiple categories that
works for your product and blank pages and posts that you can easily update anytime.