Reasons To Invest In Istanbul Property Reasons To Invest In Istanbul Property

Istanbul property is in demand at present , and it is of little surprise . If you ’ re looking for the best overseas investment opportunity , this is definitely an option worth considering .
� The economy is thriving in Turkey – There is only one place to begin , and this is with the fact that Turkey has the fastest growing economy in Europe , and the fifth fastest emerging economy in the world .
� High rental yields in the suburbs of Istanbul – You don ’ t need to look for villas and apartments in Istanbul centre . You can expect rental yields of around eight per cent if you look for property that is beyond the cite centre .
� Restrictions on ownership have been eased – Before 2012 , it was difficult for foreign investors to purchase property in Turkey . Restrictions were eased , allowing investors from 183 countries to purchase real estate in the country .
� There is no sign of the price rise cooling off – Now is a great time to invest in Istanbul real estate , as property prices are rising . This is because of the huge international and domestic demand for properties in the area .
All in all , if you are looking for a profitable investment opportunity , Istanbul property is well worth considering .