The Reason and Rhyme is a literary magazine published biannually by Robeson Community College
English Department in Lumberton, North Carolina. The magazine publishes works showcased in the fall
Writer’s Showcase and spring Poetry readings as well as highlights departmental events. Both student and
faculty submissions are welcome.
The Reason and Rhyme is not interested in acquiring copyrights for the writings. All rights revert to the
student and faculty authors. However, we expect Reason and Rhyme to be acknowledged as the original
publisher in any future chapbooks and/or books.
The address of Reason and Rhyme is Robeson Community College, English Department, 5160
Fayetteville Road, Lumberton, NC 28359. Questions regarding submissions may be directed to Wendy
Fields at [email protected] or 910-272-3363.
About the Cover
Under the leadership of Dr. Kimberly Gold, Robeson Community College has been “rebranded”. Our
new, more colorful logo rolled out in January 2018. RCC’s website was updated to include this change.
Promotional materials, business cards, name tags, signs, etc. will all be receiving upgrades to include the
new logo for a sense of uniformity and professionalism.