Realty411 Summer 2024 Featuring Randy Hughes | Page 13

Photo by John De Cindis

Celebrate Our NEW Issue in Person ! Join Us in Southern California Soon

By Linda Pliagas Publisher / Editor

Welcome to a new issue of Realty411 . We are excited you are joining us . Featured on this edition ' s cover is our friend , Randy Hughes , known as " Mr . Land Trust ". Randy has been a keynote speaker at many of our events across the nation from California to New York and numerous states in between .

We have collaborated for well over a decade as he has assisted many of our readers and event guests by educating them on the importance of asset protection . He has shared how to utilize a land trust , which can help investors do just that .
It ' s been wonderful to work with Mr . Land Trust over the years increasing knowledge and access to real estate strategies . I commend him for the incredible insight and assistance he has provided to thousands of real estate investors across the nation for the past 53 years . If you ever have a chance to see Randy in person at a real estate event near you , be sure to schedule that in ­­­ you ' ll be so glad you did .
Speaking of real estate education , we are excited to host our upcoming 5th Annual Los Angeles GRAND Expo on Oct . 26th in Los Angeles , California . ( See the promotional advertisement next to this page .)
Join us in beautiful Southern
California to learn , connect , and network with real estate investors from throughout the state and nation . In addition to having an impactful day of education , we will offer incredible networking with between 800 to 1,000 investors from around the country , as well as 50 exhibiting companies sharing information on all types of real estate­related businesses .
You know , we ' ve been hosting educational REI events for over 17 years , one would think , by now , that I would be burnt out . Yet , meeting with and reconnecting with investors really helps us really understand their goals , preferences , and the ongoing challenges they face . Plus , it ' s rewarding meeting our readers from coast to coast as some have been following us for years .
Whether you ' ve been following us for a while or have just discovered Realty411 , we encourage you to connect with us in person to really make the commitment to start learning about real estate principles , management , utilizing private capital and leverage , and other wealthbuilding strategies that can impact your portfolio and the legacy you leave your heirs .
I hope you enjoy our new issue and find many golden nuggets inside . Until next time , take good care and keep on investing !
Until then ,
Linda Pliagas
Question ? Comments ? Reach us at 805.693.1497 or info @ Realty411 . com