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Behold the Cockroach It has survived and thrived

By Randy Hughes , Mr . Land Trust

Starting in the late 1970s and up through the 1990s , pitchmen were all over television extolling the ease at which you could “ become rich in your spare time ” if you just followed their real estate investment “ program .” After 52 years in the real estate investment business , I know of no one who became rich through real estate quickly ( I am sure some investors got rich quickly through luck , but I have never met one ).

I do know a lot of people who became rich using real estate as their vehicle . They all earned it by working hard and putting in years of devotion .
This article for Realty411 is for all of you who have not yet become a millionaire in your “ spare time ”.
What does all this have to do with cockroaches ?
When it comes to being able to survive and expand its operations , nothing has ever surpassed the lowly cockroach . Despite chemical warfare , I often find them in my houses after tenants vacate . Some tenants seem to cohabitate with cockroaches intentionally ( and quite well )!
In New York ’ s Museum of Natural History , they used to point tourists ’ attention to a pickled roach between the toes of their biggest dinosaur to demonstrate that roaches have survived in the same form since the period before dinosaurs stalked the Earth .
This means that cockroaches lived on even after the mass extinction of the dinosaurs . For perspective , man has been on Earth during only 1 % of the time that cockroaches have existed on the planet !