how private lenders can help close the gap on a transaction with Bridge Financing or how Infinite Banking works to grow wealth and protect a family ' s legacy . As professionals and leaders of our family ' s finances , we need to constantly learn the latest strategies , which can help us reach that next level of success .
5 . Join a LongStanding Network that Works
2 . Network with Successful Investors
For the past 17 years , we have been producing and hosting events in 14 states across the nation . Many of the speakers and guests I ' ve met have become personal friends , private lenders on our real estate deals , and many have even visited our home and business in California .
We ' ve met some really amazing individuals in this industry who have personally helped our family in many ways . Our events provide the right environment to make and build connections that can last a lifetime . We also take complaints seriously and have , in the past , stopped companies from participating at our conferences .
3 . Get Inspired and Motivated in 2024
Studies have shown that social media is having a detrimental effect on mental health . According to McLean Hospital , a medical facility in Massachusetts specializing in psychiatry , social media platforms are designed to be addictive and are associated with anxiety , depression , and even physical ailments . According to the Pew Research Center , 69 % of adults and 81 % of teens in the U . S . use social media . This puts a large amount of the population at an increased risk of feeling anxious , depressed or ill , due to their social media use .
The evidence is clear , we need to put the phone down and start engaging with one another more In Person . Make it a point to start building stronger relationships with your family , friends and loved ones in 2024 by not being so consumed with spending so much time on the phone .
4 . Discover Creative Insight and Success Strategies
It ' s never too late to start learning . Many guests who join us at our inperson events have been real estate investors or agent / brokers for many years , but they have not had a lot of training in creative realestate deal making . They may not be aware of
The first public event our company ever produced was held in a library nearly 20 years ago . Since then , our commitment to lifelong learning and sharing real estate knowledge has grown across the country . We have photographs where I recognize people seated at our events from 15 years ago , and those same individuals are now leading their own real estate teams and / or perhaps hosting their own events , too . We ' ve received many emails , phone calls and letters of gratitude as well . Of course , we ' ve also received a few complaints , but problems have always been addressed as quickly as possible . The direct feedback helps us improve and we welcome questions and comments . Realty411 reaches tens of thousands of investors across the nation , but we know each person is unique with different finances , goals , risk tolerances , and target markets . We hope to hear about your unique journey at our next inperson event .
Until then ,
Linda Pliagas
Question ? Comments ? Reach us at 805.693.1497 or info @ Realty411 . com