Realty411 Magazine Featuring Lori Greymont | Page 22

How to Survive 12 ROUNDS in Real Estate P erhaps the most important ques- tion that all real estate investors and coaches should be asking to- day is not where oil prices might be in 12 months, or the best city to invest in, but how to prepare and invest wisely to thrive, and continue to survive any low blows the next 12 rounds the real estate market can bring. Sensei advises to keep these six important tips in mind: 1. IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT CASH FLOW This is that time in the market cycle when everyone starts claiming it is different, and that common sense gets kicked to the curb providing there is cash flow coming in. Passive income is awesome. Cash flow – “Please sir, can I have some more?” But there is more than just income to think about. Ask some of Sensei’s investors, and they’ll clue you into how the value here is different. 2. DON’T FORGET BENJAMIN GRAHAM Warren Buffett will never let us forget his favorite Graham quote: “Investment is most intelligent when it is most business like.” This is something Sensei Gilliland takes seriously too. He believes in structuring well right from the start and frequently hosts entrepreneurial workshops for small business owners and real estate CEOs. 3. YOU CAN DO IT Believe you can accomplish those goals. If there is one thing which may be the most destruc- tive that emerges from the copycat epidemic, it is close mindedness. Copycats have limited programming. They’re like Siri in Beta testing. Unfortunately, this often spills out online in popular forums with new ‘gurus’ squashing the dreams of others. If you have really thought through your goals and plans, have invested in edu- cation, and have laid out a roadmap to scale realistically; don’t let some newbie guru tell you that you can’t grow to holding six or more proper- ties very quickly. Look for those that will build you up, not try and tear you down due to a lack of their own knowledge and experience. 4. NINJA’S KNOW BEST Real ninja’s are tactical. They were about as opposite from the Vikings in fighting style as you could get. They used a variety of tools to win, didn’t rush into the fray wildly, yet they knew when to take action. Perhaps most importantly they appreciated training. Martial artists don’t train to just achieve a pretty colored belt and then rush off to try and win a trophy and title, and leave their training behind. They are dedi- cated to lifelong learning, and improvement, and are never too proud to step into a dojo and learn something new from a respected leader. The same goes for real estate. When you stop learning, you have already surrendered your trophies and titles, even if you don’t know it yet. 5. ASK QUESTIONS Before you sign up for a real estate seminar, training course, or invest with someone, ask questions. Never be shy about asking questions. What drives them? Is it just money, or is there more? How long have they been in the industry? How many times have they changed com- pany names? Interest rates are great now and you want me to take advantage before they go up. But why lock me into a 10 year balloon mortgage that will dump me into the market for a refinance when rates may be at their peak in double digits? 6. IT’S WHO YOU LEARN FROM Tommy Nelson puts it as, “If smart means you learn quickly, wisdom means you forget slowly... All kinds of smart people have wrecked their lives...Wisdom is not that you can learn, but what you learn.” There is a reason the entire nation’s education system is changing. You may not think that they have it all right yet, but what the world has realized is that we need both more practical hands-on training, and ver- satile problem-solving skills that can be applied to future scenarios as they happen, and when no text books are laying around. This is where Black Belt Investors’ training truly stands out. When you attend one of these Black Belt Investors training sessions, expect to take action. You’ve got to learn the right investment strategies and tactics that will get you profitably through tomorrow, not just today. A big part of that is who you learn from. As in martial arts – lineage is so critical. You’d never jump into the octagon for a minute with a giant unless you were pretty confident in your coach’s proven ability to prepare you to win, right? So why on earth would anyone put the rest of their financial fu- tures, relationships, and lives in the hands of a coach that hasn’t proven they can last a single round yet? v