Realty411 Magazine Featurig Kathy Fettke - Real Wealth Network | Page 92

Safety First When Showing Listings, pg. 87 PHOTOS: JOHN DECINDIS make you a target or just ensure that attackers show up even better armed than they would otherwise. Plus, there is always the issue of actually having to use it, and the fact that no permit is going to automatically get you off the hook for taking a life. Non-lethal options, such as pepper spray or stun guns, might be effective enough in most scenarios and give real estate pros time to flee to safety and get help, says Sensei Gilliland, South- ern California real estate expert and founder of Black Belt Investors. Sensei doesn’t just train in martial arts as a method of self-defense, he operates a chain of 360 Martial Art Academy loca- tions. Self defense methods including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Haganah and KravMaga provide some of the most ef- fective types of self-defense and hand- to-hand combat training, even against armed assailants. We encourage you to think of what other things you can do to stay safe and keep your team secure on the front lines of the real estate landscape. A Lifetime of Income, pg. 31 Network with Top Leaders from Around the Nation! Join us as we network our way to the top at our expos celebrating our publications. Join our VIP list to be invited to our next expo: Item The payout percentage you select, which is specified in the trust when created, can also not be changed. You can, however, retain certain rights. They include the right to change the trustee, the right to change the charitable beneficiaries, and the right to revoke a non-char- itable beneficiary’s income interest. These rights must be specified in the trust document. Another advantage of the uni- trust is the fact that assets can be added to the trust. For example, you might establish the trust during life and elect to add assets from your estate at death, particularly if it is continuing for the benefit of children or grandchildren. The ideal situation for funding a charitable trust with appreciated real estate is debt-free real estate or real estate with non-recourse debt. However, don’t despair if you have debt on your property as there are several Top from left to right: The Law Offices of Manny Singh; Jill Benes from Real Wealth Network and Linda Pliagas; Gene Guarino educates at our Los Angeles Cashflow Expo; Curtis H. Wolthuis, director of Secure Capital Network. Selling Outright Option Sale Price Cost basis Taxable Gain 33% capital gains tax Cost of Sale Net to Seller Tax Deductions 43% Tax Savings Total Re-investable 5% Earnings Joint Life Expectancy Total Lifetime Income $1,000,000 $100,000 $900,000 ($297,000) ($50,000) $653,000 $0 $0 $653,000 $32,650 X22 $718,300 ADDITIONAL LIFETIME INCOME possible solutions for this that can be evaluated on a case by case basis. Hopefully this illustration has made you more aware of a real estate exit strategy option that might benefit you significantly. PAGE 92 • 2016 Charitable Trust Option $1,000,000 Not applicable $0 $0 ($50,000) $950,000 $407,920 $175,406 $1,125,406 $56,270 X22 $1,237,947 $519,647 If you are interested in learning more about how a charitable remainder trust can be used for your property, contact Mark Lagace and Cynthia Steiger at (619) 819-1851 or mlagace@