Realty411 Magazine Featurig Kathy Fettke - Real Wealth Network | Page 54

The Self-Directed IRA Card that Changes DYNAMICS in Investing a huge step for IRA account holders. This means being able to take advantage of crowdfunding oppor- tunities and auctions. Even in person inves- tors can now potential- ly snap up tax-liens, mortgage notes, and auction properties with their cards. Interview by Tim Houghten E ver wished self-direct- ed IRA investing was simpler for you and those you work with? Wished that all the net return and tax advantages of investing through an IRA where as easy to wield, and as com- fortable as having cash in your pocket, swiping a card, or making online and mobile payments from your smart- phone? The Entrust Group myDirection Visa® Card delivers all of that. EQUIPPING INVESTORS FOR STREAMLINED SUCCESS Self-directed IRAs are undeniably one of the best power tools available to investors today. Self-directed IRAs just makes investing better, and more profitable. Not having one means pay- ing more in taxes, and suffering subpar investment returns. Yet, until now many have passed on the power perks of this vehicle due to perceiving it as complicated, sluggish, and time consuming. This isn’t just a problem for individual investors, but for real estate educators and profession- als, and their clients that stand to win so much. The Entrust Group myDirection Card promises to tear down these old barri- ers, to deliver more of what investors want, need and deserve. It’s the ability and flexibility to direct your future with the swipe of a card or a smartphone app. The new pre-paid Visa card pow- ered by citi enables individual inves- tors to maintain control of their funds, on-demand. SPECIFICALLY THIS CARD EMPOWERS YOU TO: 1. Make instant transactions 2. Save on transaction fees and paperwork 3. Invest online DIRECT YOUR FUTURE™ In an exclusive interview with Certified IRA Services Profession- al and President of The Entrust Group, Jason Craig highlights some of the critical investor needs that the myDirection card solves. When put in perspective it’s pretty clear that a card like this is essential for enabling investors to operate effectively in today’s mod- ern landscape, while maximizing opportunities. Being able to invest online is PAGE 54 • 2016 Entrust’s Jason Craig also highlights card benefits that go beyond acquisition to asset and property management. For example, if you own real estate in your IRA the antiquated tradition required contacting your administrator, submitting contractor estimates, and hav- ing checks mailed, all before being able to get contractors to work on repairs. That’s not highly efficient on a weekend evening when a major leak shows up. So the card not only “reduces time to payment and action, but eliminates the hassle of receipts, wasted time, and reduces expenses.” That means more freedom, and net profit. HOW IT WORKS Craig explains that one of the reasons a card like this has taken so long to launch is the meticulous attention and re-ver- ifying in every step to ensure compliance, user experience, functionality, and “getting it just right.” It’s kind of like Elon Musk designing the new Tesla