Realty411 Magazine Featurig Kathy Fettke - Real Wealth Network | Page 11

Linda’s Letter I ’m excited to share our new, large issue featuring some of the most influential companies in the real estate industry. Many of the principals of these compa- nies, I have personally known for many years. In fact, some of them have been advertising with us consistently since we began publishing. Our industry circle is small, so over time you become acquainted with people on a personal level. Recently, I found out just how caring the real estate investor community can be due to a recent tragedy in our office. Our Empire State Real Estate Investor’s Expo in Times Square had closed with a big bang. I was on cloud nine. Then my joy was zapped away when I was told the news that our sweet office worker, Morgan Schaal, suddenly had passed away. Jill Benes from Real Wealth Network and Linda Pliagas network in front of the B2R Finance exhibitor booth at the Los Angeles Cashflow Expo. Photographs by John DeCindis, Cool Breeze Photo. Morgan was a true gift for us. He arrived retired top producers in the Santa Barbara area. He tried his hand before the start of his shift every morning and at property management for awhile. I’ll never forget the day after often worked extra hours at home. Whether he attended our first expo what he told me when I asked him if he it was calling up top CEOs to inquire about had enjoyed the event. He immediately exclaimed, “Oh yeah! I’m advertising or walking our office dog, Scruffy, learning a lot of new things that I never knew before!” For me that was the ultimate compliment. Introducing Linda with Morgan Schaal. new ideas and concepts to even a second-generation real estate pro made me so proud. Tragically losing someone close to you really puts life into perspective. I sure have been savoring every minute that I have been spending with my family and friends. The outpouring of sadness over Morgan’s premature death also has made me realize just how lucky I am to be working with people who are so caring. They say God chooses the good ones first, and that is certainly the case here. I know Morgan is in heaven being just the perfect sidekick as he was on Earth. We miss you, Morgan. Linda Pliagas Morgan never complained about his duties. He was willing to do whatever it took to make sure the business ran smoothly, and that I was Follow my industry updates and connect with me: productive and happy. Morgan had worked in real estate most of his adult life; his parents are PAGE 11 • 2016