Realty411 - Featuring Sunil Tulsiani, PIC Volume 8, No. 3, 2021 | Page 87

" Joint ventures and connecting with others who have the money , buyers and sellers is the fast path to doing a high volume of deals . Connect with these centers of influence ."
The Porsche Of Private Investment Clubs
One of the big challenges Sunil found in his early days in real estate was that most clubs and seminars and courses just led to more meetings , seminars and courses . Some of that was down to attendees being stuck in the learning trap and never doing anything with their knowledge . Then there were even organizers who even said that they didn ’ t really want their students to actually buy real estate . They made way more just selling them education .
So , Sunil decided to create his own club . A “ doing ” club . One where you actually went and got deals done . His private investment club has attracted many big names , including those above , as well as Brian Tracy , Jack Canfield and Billionaire investor Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank and other serious dealmakers . Membership fee to join this elite club is $ 10,000 per year as of January 1st , 2021 .
How To Replicate His Success
How can you get from where you are now to becoming financially free and / or becoming a multi­millionaire ?
You need to become the person of influence to attract all the money you want and all the great deals . Here are Sunil ’ s five steps to massive success .
1 . Surround Yourself With Successful People
You ’ ve probably already heard that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with . Who are you hanging out with ? They will rub off on you . Network , join masterminds , hang out with the “ right ” people and join paid elite real estate clubs .
2 . Connect With Centers Of Influence
Joint ventures and connecting with others who have the money , buyers and sellers is the fast path to doing a high volume of deals . Connect with these centers of influence . Sunil says to do whatever it takes to get them to know your name , and create a “ lose , win ” offers . You “ lose ” and they “ win ” first .