If you are holding properties in land trusts , corporations or LLCs this prevents your name from showing up on public records ; making it appear that you don ’ t personally own anything ; and that is the whole idea . You want to hide your assets from creditors and predators . There are a lot of people out there who want what you have , but they don ’ t want to work to get it .
As you begin to grow your real estate business , you need to begin thinking about protecting yourself and your assets along the way . Make sure you begin working with a reliable real estate attorney who can help you grow and protect your business . Make sure they understand the importance of purchasing properties in land trusts or in entities that do not represent you personally . If they don ’ t want to do things your way , find someone who will .
In addition , you want to be thinking about placing other items of value that you own , such as bank accounts , jewelry , vehicles , boats or artwork in property trusts . This will protect these assets from showing up should you be sued for any reason .
You also need to be working with reliable a financial planner and a CPA in your business in order to protect you
Image by William Iven from Pixabay
assets by investing them well with a diverse portfolio . Your CPA will also help you hold on to your assets by finding ways for you to legally pay fewer taxes on the income from your business .
The real estate business is one of those businesses where there are a lot of great tax deductions for you if you structure your business correctly . You also want to think about diversifying your assets so that you don ’ t have all your “ eggs ” in one basket . As the markets continue to fluctuate this becomes even more important for protecting your assets .
Your CPA and your financial planner can also help you structure your assets so that if something happens to you , your assets will be distributed to children , grandchildren , charities or whomever you choose in a way that is fluid with the least amount of taxes and stress . This way there is no question as to how the distribution of your assets will be handled if something were to happen to you and this can save your family a lot of hassles later on .
Protecting your assets while you are still around to enjoy them is going to be very important to securing a future for you and your family . For more information on asset protection and all other aspects of real estate investing , visit my website at
www . marketingmagiclady . com .
Kathy Kennebrook is the ultimate success story . She spent over 20 years in the banking industry before discovering the world of real estate . After attending some real estate seminars this 4 foot 11 mother of two got really excited and before you know it she ’ d bought and sold hundreds of properties using none of her own money or credit .
Kathy holds a degree in finance and has coauthored the books The Venus Approach to Real Estate Investing , Walking With the Wise Real Estate Investor , and Walking With the Wise Entrepreneur which also includes real estate experts Suze Orman , Robert Kiyosaki , and Dr . Wayne Dyer . She is the nation ’ s leading expert at finding highly qualified , motivated sellers , buyers and lenders using many types of direct mail marketing . She is known throughout the United States and Canada as the Marketing Magic Lady . She has put together a simple stepbystep system that anyone can follow to duplicate her success . Kathy has been speaking throughout the country and across Canada for over 14 years and has shared the stage with Ron LeGrand , Dr . Phil , Dan Kennedy , Mark Victor Hansen , Ted Thomas and Suze Orman to name a few . Kathy is going to share with you how she generates a seven figure income by mailing a handful of letters throughout the year to highly selected targets by knowing exactly what to send them , who to send them to and exactly how to deliver her message . She will teach you the secrets of prescreening and automating your marketing and follow up systems to put your entire Real Estate business on autopilot .
79 Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels