Work Smarter not Harder
Know your priorities and limitations . Be efficient and do one thing well , outsource the tasks you struggle with .
Don ' t scoff at the idea of getting some outside help . When blocked on something ask for feedback .
Not a web developer ? Don ' t try to build everything yourself . Trim the fat and focus on your money makers .
Create Passive Income
Creating passive income helps you leverage your time and is one of the most powerful income generating strategies in the world .
If you have a solid rental business setup and organized , you will have a lot more time to focus on developing other businesses or living a more fulfilling life .
Hire the Right Team
" An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field ."
Niels Bohr Paying
employees a little more than competitors can be beneficial in the long run .
Hiring competent people to make difficult decisions on your behalf will not only benefit your business but also give you more time to do the things you love .
Additionally , turnover in any business can be costly due to the training time for new employees , so it ' s best to find great employees and stick with them .
Russell Barneson runs Sales & Marketing at Crescent Lenders and is a real estate investor and operator of his own vacation rental business .
He is passionate about the topic of real estate investing and helps real estate investors from across the USA obtain private money financing .
Having the experience of running and operating a real estate business himself , as well as helping other investors get capital for their projects , gives him unique insights .
Russell is a sports fanatic and in his spare time he loves to travel , surf , play sports , and have the occasional beer .
Photo by fauxels from Pexels