Realty411 - Featuring Sunil Tulsiani, PIC Volume 8, No. 3, 2021 | Page 59

10 Habits of Successful Real Estate Investors

By Russell Barneson
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you ' re an aspiring real estate investor , building good habits will be the core foundation to your success .

From the moment you rise to the time you go to bed , outlining your day will make you more efficient and more effective at your job .
Here is a game plan to implementing habits to develop to put you on your path to achieve your real estate investment goals .
Having a Schedule
Having a daily routine of planned activities will help you get into a rhythm .
Waking up at the same time , going to the gym daily and even planning your meals are great for building structure .
Setting a schedule will help you clear your mind , giving you laser focus .
The side benefit of such a structure is you will not be worrying about whether you forgot to do something .
There are many scheduling , CRM and organization tools you can install on your phone and computer , making it easier than ever to stay organized .
These tools will send you reminder messages so you don ' t miss an important meeting or appointment .
Find a Niche
There is an ocean of property types and investment strategies out there .
The world is a complicated place , finding a niche helps simplify life .
Pick one type of property or strategy to invest in ; this will give you an identity and make you an expert in the niche you choose .
For example , if you work in rehabbing single family homes in a certain area , over time you will become an expert in this industry and will know what to look for in regards to the local market .
Developing strong relationships with property brokers , contractors and lenders will be beneficial to your success .