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2 . Take Moment for Self­Discovery
Ultimately , automating , delegating and outsourcing can help you implement marketing momentum during a recession . But before you dive into splitting up responsibilities , take time for selfdiscovery .
Which activities are you good at ? Which do you enjoy ? On the other hand , what are some that you do not like or enjoy ? This is what self­discovery is all about . The key is to examine all of the various parts of your business , including marketing , to lay out which activities you should do — and which you should outsource either internally or externally .
We advise our clients to work through the self­discovery activity to help them understand the best strategy for owning vs . automating vs . delegating . Ultimately , you ’ ll break down tasks into the following categories :
• I ’ m good at it , and I like it .
• I ’ m good at it , but I don ’ t like it .
• I ’ m not good at it , but I like it .
• I ’ m not good at it , and I don ’ t like it .
This breakdown will help you then determine how to best complete all of the different tasks for your marketing momentum . As you may imagine , the ones you love and are good at are best to own , while the others should be automated and / or delegated as necessary .
3 . Own vs . Automate vs . Delegate
Automating and delegating are two powerful ways to reduce costs during a recession , especially in light of layoffs . After breaking down where the common marketing momentum activities fall in the self­discovery activity , it ’ s time to determine which to own , which to automate , and which to delegate . Evaluate each task and determine how you ’ ll best handle it .
If it does not impede your ability to handle other critical business tasks , then it makes sense to “ own ” the tasks that you are good at and enjoy . However , if taking those tasks will cause you to lose time on other important ones , or eat into your lifestyle goals , then you still may need to implement automation or delegation .
Next , consider internal delegation . Does your internal team already have the resources for you to delegate the activity ? Again , consider the skillset of your existing team , but also the time cap that they all have . If they can reasonably take the task without overworking or sacrificing time on something else important , then it makes sense to delegate internally .
But if your team does not have the skillset or time to handle the tasks , consider external delegation . Hiring additional team members or retaining employees is far more expensive than working with a complete digital marketing team . When delegating externally , you won ’ t need to worry about the cost of benefits packages . Furthermore , an experienced external team can help you implement key automation ( like online booking appointments , chatbots , automated email campaigns , funnels , etc .) to further streamline your marketing momentum .
Keep Your Marketing Momentum Going During during an Economic Downturn
The looming recession should not signal a backtrack from marketing momentum . Skipping out on marketing will only hurt your revenue and stifle business growth in the long run . On the contrary , you need to implement cost­effective marketing momentum to drive revenue during challenging times . Automating and outsourcing can help you balance marketing momentum and budget , but it all begins with taking a closer look at your skillset , interests , and internal resources .
Nazemoff is an accomplished speaker , best­selling author , coach , and the founder of Engage 2 Engage , a digital marketing services company . She is passionate about improving people ’ s lives through strategic planning , collaborative teamwork , automation , and delegation . She removes the frustration , overwhelm , burnout , and stress that entrepreneurs and small businesses face in figuring out the various marketing elements so the focus remains on growing and scaling . Her books , " Energize Your Marketing Momentum " ( 2023 ), " Supercharge Workforce Communication " ( 2019 ), " The Dance of the Business Mind " ( 2017 ), and " The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind " ( 2014 ) aim to help businesses create order from chaos . She has also been featured in many publications such as Inc ., Entrepreneur , SUCCESS , Fast Company , Huffington Post , and more .