Realty411 Featuring Gene Guarino - Build a Legacy Vol 8. No. 4 | Page 32

" They say you should never work with family … I disagree . When you do it right , a family business can be your greatest legacy of all ."

Building a Family Legacy How Gene Guarino Built a Generational REI Business


’ ve been an entrepreneur my entire life starting very early . When I was 12 or so , I did all the usual “ kid stuff ” like cutting grass , raking leaves , and shoveling snow . I remember my mother had us “ selling things ” door to door like apples and pumpkins in the fall , and decorated sugar cubes in the spring , or washing cars in the summer . It was normal for us , and it was the start of a legacy of entrepreneurship , opportunity , and teamwork that I have passed down to my kids . At age 16 I had my first official “ business ” ­ a music school with a recording studio and a record label . By the age of 18 I bought my first piece of real estate and the entrepreneurial journey hasn ’ t stopped since .
Time goes fast .
40 + years and 20 + businesses ago , I ’ m blessed to be able to work with my kids on a daily basis . Our focus is Residential Assisted Living for seniors . We started 7 years ago , and we own , operate , and invest in RAL homes , while training and supporting others doing it too .
" They say you should never work with family … I disagree . When you do it right , a family business can be your greatest legacy of all ."