Reality Christian Magazine Spring Volume 8 | Page 12
Hope Café
a nd
Cater ing
Change 4 Change
By Jennifer M. Hulett
Help us build a water well.
join the challenge today!
ecently Chef Tony turned to me and
said “God gave us a new project; we
are going to raise $6,500 to build a
clean water well in Zimbabwe.” My
immediate thoughts were “Great! I know that
people there need clean water, let’s do it.” My
limited knowledge about the clean water crisis
didn’t allow me to feel deeply passionate about
this project at first, but as I commenced to
research, that changed quickly.
The statistics are staggering. The World Health Organization estimates that 80
percent of ALL illness in African Villages can be linked
to unsafe water. The threat of
contracting cholera, malaria
and HIV/Aids is shockingly
high and hence, life expectancy is very low. Point in
case the water is there, but
without a filtering system it’s
unsafe. They are forced to
drink it, cook with and bathe
in it anyway. Without water
wells they don’t have any options.
When I learned about the poor living
conditions my heart broke. I became angry; I
questioned how this could be. That’s the moment I understood why God had put this project upon Chef Tony’s heart.
Then feelings of gratefulness washed over
me. My reality of having complete access to
clean water overwhelmed me. I have multiple
bathrooms in my home, a washer machine
and a kitchen sink and I felt like I lived in a
palace. And then I felt that drive to help. I’ll
call it Passion. For me, it’s a feeling I get in my
gut and a tingling in my heart and it moves
me to action.
As a company we prayed, brainstormed,
then prayed some more. What followed went
like this: Chef Tony felt led to donate $1 from
every bottle of water we sell. I used my talents
to create graphic media and to begin spreading the word through social media. Most importantly Ann, (Chef Tony’s
wife) came up with the name
and catchphrase “Change
4 Change,” and we grabbed
some empty water bottles
and put our loose change
in it each day. Those change
filled bottles are on our desks
at work and our dressers at
home. They are donated to
fund the building costs for
the water wells. Now, we
want to take it a step further.
We challenge you to join
us! Grab an empty water
bottle, cut a hole for a coin
slot and deposit your loose
change. Then, choose YOUR cause; the point is
to choose to bless someone or something that
you feel passionate about. Next, commit to the
Change 4 Change project and sign the pledge
at While you’re
there, visit our Change 4 Change community
page to share your cause, stories and post photos of your change bottles! Let’s come together
as a community and see how much change we
can collect and CREATE for 2014!
“God gave us
a new project.
We are going to
raise $6,500
to build a clean
water well in
12 RealityMagazine
Hope Café
Our motto is
Restoring Hope
one order at a time
a nd
Cater ing
From our made
from scratch breads
and cookies that are
baked daily just for
you. To a workplace
that extends
“Hope” to those
that deserve a
second chance.