Reality Bites Magazine 18 | Page 124

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT How old were you when you first watched a horror movie and which one was it? Magali - I was around nine years old, and it was Village of the Damned... trauma- tized me for a while every time I went near boiling water and barbecues.  Ever used a Ouija board and do you believe in the mystic of it or is it fake? Magali - Played with a lot of those when I was a kid (we even made our own sometimes). Again, don't know if I believe, but some weird stuff always did hap- pen when we played with these things in my basement.  What is your favourite Urban Legend? Magali - I like pretty much all of them (some of my favorites are Japanese Urban Legends). The creepier, the better.  What is your favourite spooky book? Magali - I don't really have one. I've tried reading a few people recommended throughout the years, but nothing really scared me. Suggestions?  What is your ultimate costime for Halloween? Magali - I usually like skeleton or vampire.  Whilst watching scary movies, are you: Magali - the person quietly watching and gasping at every scary moment, I have my hands in front of my eyes sometimes, but watching in between the cracks lol