Real MAG MARCH 2016 | Page 3

1.Bird poops equals Riches. In Russia, it belief that if bird shits on your car you will become rich 2. Dont sweep your home at night, you will be sweeping away wealth 3. Never start a trip on a Friday or you will meet misfortune 4. If you feel a chill up your spine, someone is walking on your future grave 5. Dreams of running = Signs of big change 6. If you get your shirt wet while washing dishes, you will become a drunk 7. Never tickle a baby's feet you will cause it to stutter. 8. If your off to a big meeting, looking for a Billy Goat. Goats are believed to absorb evil or harm 9. You have to sit down when its thundering so the lord can do his work 10. Don't eat standing up because you'll never get full 3 Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution