Real Life Real Faith Wisdom for Everyday Life March/April 2016 issue 2 | Page 15


Resurrection: Amazing Faith, Possibilites and Abundance

On the subject of Resurrection, one point is truly apparent: the sun sets at night and rises in the morning. Resurrection, or merely a very simple example of how it works? Most likely both.

When you lie down to sleep every night, your body falls deeply into a restful state, rebuilding itself, resting itself, curing itself and relieving its stress from the previous day. Many would argue that this is also an example of the most simple of resurrections that we experience in our lifetimes, many times over.

Others would whole-heartedly argue that Resurrection only pertains to the story of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As we look into the subject of Resurrection, it becomes very apparent that many religions and cultures across the globe have stories of Resurrection hewn into their histories. The basis of Christianity has an overwhelming belief in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And so it should be.

I often wonder, as a Christian myself and morally choosing to treat others as I would have them treat me, why do some of us have a difficult time respecting others with a different religious upbringing?

I often remind my wife who is a staunch Presbyterian that it is not the absolute fault of the Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon or other that they believe as they do. For the most part, we could guess that nearly 90% of the people in every individual religion were born into it. Therefore, I suggest that we all take another look at ourselves and our individual belief systems and Resurrect them to reflect goodness and kindness to everyone, independent of their religion. Would not God want you to treat others fairly without religious discrimination?

The second point that is truly clear to me about Resurrection: we all have the POWER of RESURRECTION within us! Yes we do, stop shaking your head NO. You have already done it a few times if you are no older than 20-something and a ton of times if you are older than 50 or so.

Oh, yes, I love that word…Resurrection. It means, other than the Biblical definition, that anything and everything can be renewed, that anything or anyone can be given another chance. When you have unyielding faith, absolutely anything is possible. I have come to understand that you, I and everyone else have faced what seemed to have been insurmountable challenges during our lives. The good news? When we overcome them with our faith, our strong conviction in God and belief in ourselves, we become one of God’s success stories.