and be out of harms way until they get to manhood at twenty-one. So resurrection is an awaking of not only the Christ and the God that's in us or the God in that's in you but its the knowledge that lays dormant in a people that have been asleep for so long that should be awakened and shared. Really, all times of the year but especially during Resurrection and the Easter Sunday and a note that He is risen. I think it means more than a body rising up. It's a spirit that's not only instilled in Christ, Lord Christ but that's been instilled in mankind. Which mankind refuses to recognize for whatever reason. But everything goes back to the beginning and no matter how technological advanced we become we still have beginnings in the dirt. So that's what resurrection means to me.
What do you think of the direction Hollywood and the rest of the country for that matter is going in where it becomes less tolerant of God but allows for anything and everything else to be acceptable?
I think that there is an agenda. There is a gay agenda. And I remember when President Obama and other politicians were earlier saying marriage should be between one man and one woman. And then everybody starts doing this whole thing where giving gays and lesbians the power as a group that change these politicians minds because politicians are politicians.
For each magazine what I like to do is set a theme for that month's issue. For this edition, my theme is “Resurrection.” Both Good Friday and Easter Sunday fall in March this year. However, I leave it up to each contributor to define their own interpretation of that theme. So I will start there.
What does resurrection mean to you? Now let me also add that even though we are God centered, your interpretation can be anything you would like it to be.
Other than the obvious, a resurrection of spirit and of knowledge that which we have been talking about. There are so many things that have been laid dormant and the conscientiousness of people, whether they're family or just us as a people. I think the time of resurrection when it upon us in the traditional biblical sense is a time for teaching and learning about the resurrection that lays dormant in us as a people. And awakening that in you which allows you to strive farther than the person that was here before you. Like my greatest achievement will be teaching my sons to be better men than I am. And to teach them to be more successful than I am. As well as teaching them to stay out of jail and be out of harms way until they get to manhood at twenty-one. So resurrection is an awaking of not only the Christ and the God that's in us or the God in that's in you but its the knowledge that lays dormant in a people that have been asleep for so long that should be awakened and shared. Really, all times of the year but especially during Resurrection and the Easter Sunday and a note that He is risen. I think it means more than a body rising up. It's a spirit that's not only instilled in Christ, Lord Christ but that's been instilled in mankind. Which mankind refuses to recognize for whatever reason. But everything goes back to the beginning and no matter how technological advanced we become we still have beginnings in the dirt. So that's what resurrection means to me.
The Phenomenal Stan Shaw