Understanding where we are on God’s prophetic timeline can be unsettling for many reasons. The “right” response for believers is to be excited and filled with eager anticipation, but the reality is, it’s natural to fear the unknown. We don’t know how many of these events we will have
to endure, we don’t know when Jesus will appear in the clouds and gather us up, and we don’t know what will happen after that. The stress of not knowing is compounded when we don’t have a solid understanding of what the Bible says about the last days. We end up with the wrong kind of fear, the kind that knots up our stomachs when we watch the news and makes us want to live in denial, instead of the kind that drives us to live a pure and holy lifestyle. We don’t have to fear the headlines, or anything that is about to happen. If we know Jesus as our savior, and keep our eyes on Him through prayer and Bible study, we can be FEARLESS.
The truth is, this is the greatest time to be alive. We have the Answer the world is looking for; the hope and peace that comes from salvation through Jesus Christ. As world events swirl, and the headlines become even more gruesome and terrifying, we can bring calm to any conversation and share the hope that we have. People are starving for hope. They are desperate to feel peace. Take every opportunity to share the Gospel because the time is short.
Mikayla Kayne teaches apologetics with a focus on matching current events to Biblical prophecy. Educating believers about God's timeline is her passion, along with equipping and encouraging them to stand firm. Many Christians struggle with fear and worry, but Mikayla helps them face the future with awe and anticipation. For more in depth teaching by Mikayla Kayne, visit her website at http://www.standandwait.com and for current events updates, like her facebook news page at http://www.facebook.com/BTCEwithMik.
Real Answers in Tough Times