Intercessory prayer is when we pray on behalf of others while believing that change will occur because you have unwavering faith. It is indeed fulfilling when you have prayed for others on a regular basis don’t you think?
Telephone prayer line. You will be praying for the sick, shut in, as well as the bereaved that are often times but not all the time unable to pray for themselves. New technology have created
many call centers that are set up for individuals to call in and have one on one prayers for their specific prayer concerns. You can also have a specific telephone number with access codes that people can call into a live prayer service. Modern technology is great, it gives us the opportunity to serve the masses!
Congregational Prayer. The congregation is gathered in the Sanctuary and praying for all concerns that are sick and shut in, in the hospital, the bereaved that have lost love ones and any other prayer concerns. How powerful is that when we all come together in the Sanctuary to pray
one for another!
Healing Prayer. The laying on of hands for the sick. If the sick person that you are to pray for is a believer then it is up to the person that is praying to call for the sick person to exercise his or her faith. If the person that needs the healing is not a believer it is the duty of the person that is praying to exercise his or her faith in the Lord to heal while literally placing their hands on the person that is in need of healing. The Healing Ministry is a ministry that is not talked about often s surely a major ministry and much needed in the service of Gods people.