Real Life Real Faith November Issue | Page 22

Sure, you can blame society or the media. The fallen world's messages of hate don't really help us not to hate.

Is it our upbringing? Sure, we had certain influences in our lives growing up that may be the reason behind certain belief systems. That's fair.

Oh, I know. The devil. Yep, he's the reason for all of my hatred. Absolutely true, in part.

However, can we really blame it all on outside circumstances and influences? What about our own pride? What about a lack of control of our minds? What about our hearts? What about giving in to our passions like anger?

We don't control our hatred. Mostly because we never really think to and it's usually a reaction to the thing we hate. Hatred isn't a logical or thoughtful choice (or sin or vice), it's reactionary. We see the object of our hate and we lash out. I hate him! I hate that! I hate them! Damn those people to hell!

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But, why do we hate? And how can we call ourselves Christians and hate so much?

On Hatreds Destruction

by David Domzalski

We love to hate.

It's so true. You know you hate something. Or is it someone? Is it a group of people? A fan of an opposing team? A certain chore or task?

Whatever it is we hate and we do it (and say it) often. Yes, even Christians can hate. In fact, we may be the most hating bunch of all.

We hate people who have abortions.

We hate people who are gay and want to marry.

We hate people with certain ethnic backgrounds.

We hate people from this political party or that one.

We hate that team's players and that team's fans.

We hate atheists.

We hate Christians from "that" denomination.

We hate.