Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith September Issue | Page 10

our communities is rooted out. We must also do our part in self-policing our communities. We must, especially we men, not accept our communities being in the condition that they are in and stand up and do something about it. We cannot expect law enforcement or the government to do everything and we sit back and do nothing. The second thing that we must do is be accountable and responsible for the part that we play in closing the relationship gap between law enforcement and the community. The community has gone many years with accepting things being the way that they are and not doing anything to make a change. Making that change will take a community effort whether it is with law enforcement, government, or education. Families/parents must become more active in their children’s lives and knowing what they are involved with or who they are involved with. That means we must show up for PTA meetings and talk with our children’s teachers to ensure that they get the good education that they are entitled to. That also means that you know where your children are and not allow them to be out in the streets all times of the night. There needs to be a concerted effort on the community side to make the community better by taking pride in the community that you are a part of, and that means getting involved. On the law enforcement side there needs to be more accountability for those policemen that do not follow policies and break the law. This means that cities such as my city, Baltimore, Maryland, cannot be paying off the citizens for the indiscretions of bad cops and those cops get off with no liability or actions taken against them. The blue wall needs to be broken down and there certainly needs to be something done about the police unions and their blatant disregard for bad officers and the responsibility that they are playing in keeping the gap from being closed. I believe that officers must begin to get back to walking the beats again so that they are more engaged in the community which in turn would close the gap. Officers must know that if they are involved in any shooting that they must immediately speak with an outside prosecutor and they will be put on leave without pay. Also, any other officer that is involved in the reporting and lies on the report or for another officer should also be reprimanded. If these steps are taken I believe that this can be the beginning of closing the gap with officers and the community. When the community and law enforcement work together it makes for a safe and strong community. The trust factor must be built back up on both ends and then maybe there can be a real progression towards closing the communication gap and making our society better for everyone.