Real Life Real Faith March Edition | Page 4

Shed the Winter, Prep for Summer: How to Get your Summer Body Started

By Lindsay May Juranek


Humans are mammals, and as most mammals do, cold weather can make us go into hibernation mode. We have a tendency to eat more and find excuses to sit indoors and stay warm rather than move out from under the covers and trek to the gym or work out. “Netflix and chill” becomes a steady way of life. Before we realize it, winter has passed us by and shorts and tank top season is quickly approaching. But, before you go into panic mode trying to get your body prepared all in one day, allow me to lay out some helpful tips to get you moving into your leanest summer body:

1.Start increasing your water intake: During the winter months it’s easy to slack on water intake because of the low temperatures and humidity. We don’t feel as thirsty as we would, say, in July. However, that does not mean that your body no longer requires proper hydration. As a matter of fact, the dryness of winter can dehydrate you even more quickly than the heat of a summer day. When the body begins to dehydrate, this can cause you to eat more. Lack of water can also make you feel sluggish, vulnerable to low immunity and impede your body’s ability to remove toxins and metabolize fat. Start by slowly increasing your intake a few ounces at a time, with a goal of drinking half of your body weight in ounces. It the plain taste of water is not your thing, add your favorite fruit to give it a fresher flavor!

2.Gradually increase your intensity: Perhaps you’ve been working out somewhat without a real goal or plan in mind. You’ve wandered aimlessly around the gym doing a few reps here and there or you’ve done half of an exercise DVD at home. Now is the time to start dialing in your workouts. Start increasing the intensity of movements by adding in High Intensity Intervals to your weight routine or your cardio routine. Increased respiratory rate is linked to fat loss which will assist you toward your goal of acquiring leanness. Make your time spent working out more about quality and not quantity.

3.Lift heavier: Yes ladies, even you! Lean muscle mass is shown to burn calories more efficiently and longer post workout. Weight lifting can also boost your whole-body metabolism, help you rid yourself of those winter blues and move better. So toss those three and five pound dumbbells aside in favor of heavier dumbbells or the bar! If you are unsure what to do, make sure you consult a local fitness professional to assist you in developing a plan that is both safe and effective.

4.Get right with your nutrition: If you are like any average human the winter months make us want to pack on the pounds. We like our comfort food the most, and generally have no regard for the amounts we consume. If you want to achieve “suns out, guns out” status, it’s time to start meal prepping and paying attention to what’s going in your mouth. Make it simple: half of your plate greens and the other half a split between lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Limit your sugar intake. If you need more guidance, seek out a registered dietician to assist you.

The warmer weather is fast approaching, so use these simple tips to put you on the right track to your healthiest summer body yet!