Real Life Real Faith March Edition | Page 35

6. If I had to describe myself as a color, I would choose… Studies show your favorite color reveals character and personality traits.

7. Imagine you can become invisible whenever you want. What are some of the things you would do? This exercise exposes what aspects of life you feel are most important.

8. The four things that are most important in my life are… You may notice the four things most important in your life are interdependent, i.e., they are dependent on and influence one another. If you make improvements in one of these key areas, it will impact all of them.

9. It really puts me in a bad mood when… Bad moods tend to influence how we interpret and adjust to the world around us. Bad moods can also dictate our behavior. Identifying your triggers helps maintain the peace.

10. Good friends are people who… People tend to attract others into their lives whose character mirrors their own. Make sure the qualities you list are qualities you possess.

As the idiom goes, “you are worth your weight in gold.” Loosely translated it means you are extremely useful and valuable. To succeed in anything, you must have a love of self and a belief in your chosen path. Once you know your importance, you will be worth the weight.

Michelle Cuttino

is the Relationshios Contributor for Real Life Real Faith

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