Real Life Real Faith March Edition | Page 12

Comparative Analysis...

One of the most detrimental things one can do, is spend their lives, comparing,

It to the lives of others, we were all made different, with different paths and different courses of action,

However, in all of this came another revelation,

I see people who spend all of their time with people who they can compare themselves,

Favorably too and always come out on top,

Case in point, folks who only befriend people who aren’t doing as well as they are,

In this situation they can always look at themselves from a position of doing better,Even if the only people being fooled are themselves,

The reverse can also be true,

Those who only can converse or engage with those they think are ‘all that’,

As if though some of what they have will jump off on them, or others will say,

So and so must be all that, he or she is with, whomever,

That must be exhausting to always have to compare oneself , while posing and pretending,

I am tired just writing about it,

Last night I looked into the face of a younger person, who has spent all of his twenties,

Running with a crowd, to whom he can feel superior,

And running from anyone and anything that will stretch him or make him do something,

I could see watery eyes as he dealt with the fact, maybe for the first time,

That the only thing that has ever stood in his way, was him…

And my prayer was that he also realized at that moment that silly comparisons,

Is wasted energy, that we all have a unique bag of tricks to bring to the table,

I know I have frustrated many when I have held on to the me in me,

Refusing to be anything other than what God made me,

I try to explain, simply, it is not you don’t have it going on, you do…

But I need to and want to have it going on for me…the way I am…period…

You do you, I do me and together we all can get there…