Real Life Real faith Journey to Wellness Journey to Wellness September/October | Page 5

Health Matters!

Phyllis Amaral

Sleep… it does a body good

Most of us take our sleep for granted, although these days for many of us our schedules are so overloaded that sometimes a good night’s sleep doesn’t seem to be an option.

But what happens when we sleep is pretty amazing and worth considering.

While we are asleep, the body:

Gets rid of waste products

Circulates minerals, vitamins, hormones

Produces most of the infection-fighting substances that help you recover from illness and injury

Produces natural human growth hormone (HGH) that maintains and repairs muscles

A good night’s sleep is not a luxury; it is absolutely essential to our well-being.

Anyone who has gone without a good night’s sleep knows how it affects us the following day, from having less energy to loss of mental focus. When we’re younger it doesn’t seem to affect us that much but in reality it does – the effects just take longer to show.

Lack of sleep increases incidences of all kinds of illness. A San Diego Veterans Affairs Medical Center study found that just one bad night of sleep deprivation can reduce the activity of immune cells, leaving us more susceptible to colds, infections and disease.

This is why we need to give ourselves extra rest and sleep when we are ill, so that the body can heal itself.

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