Real Life Real Faith February Edition | Page 16

Change the Channel To

To maintain a constant victorious Christian walk I should ensure that I tune into the media market of His saving Grace: The heavenly heartbeat of Christ, Who has reached out to the whole of mankind. His wave length is a Broadband of love - an “Antenna” in the form of a Cross, beaming out to all without exception.

I have been a believer in Christ for many years. It has only been in the last three or four years that I have received greater insight into the Grace of God. This has injected me with energy to tell others about the blessed "rest" we have in Christ. Grace is not a theology but is a Person-- Jesus.

Article Source: WRITERS


SFebruary 2017 Edition

Robin Bosch

What did Paul mean when he said," not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind? (Ro 12:3a)

I believe that he was telling us that no sin, be it lust, pride, un-forgiveness, a bad habit or any other debilitating frailty of the flesh, can be overcome by anything other than the Spirit of God changing our minds.1

Trying to overcome a weakness outside the ambit of the Spirit of Grace 2 is doomed to failure. I do not say that lightly or disparagingly, but the truth is, if I determine in myself and of myself to be delivered of any bad disposition or action, I will not succeed.3

You may ask, “That's fine and dandy, but what must I do? I don't want to continue doing what I'm doing. I'm unhappy with the status quo. I can't continue this way; I need to change. Please tell me, “What must I do?" I'm in a hole, I need to get out."4

If I find myself bogged down in introspection, unable to extract myself from sinful tendencies, I must tune into "Channel Good News."5

That is the solution. I must have my attention diverted onto that which will change my perspective, motive and destructive direction. This will extract and detract me from the lower frequency transmitter station from which the devil broadcasts.

He broadcasts a message of hopelessness, destruction, fear and fatalism; whos sound waves have us mesmerized and hypnotized on a guilt trip of self-condemnation and base rhetoric. His very nature is a lie 6 broadcast to base station earth. 7

The answer to my dilemma is only found when I get my mind tuned out and then tuned in to the new and heavenly

frequency.8 The old frequency is a channel of self-effort, resulting in failure.9 The new frequency gets me out of the sound waves that distorts my judgment, thinking and hence my behavior. 10

I am to flood my soul with heavenly sound waves that propagate hope; flooding my mind with heavenly sound bites.

I was recently struggling to get out of a mind-set, caught in a groove that I was unable to extricate myself from. The Lord gave me a clear directive, which was simply to: "Tune out."

That hit me. That was just the advice I needed. I was stuck on the lower frequency of planet earth. I was on the wrong channel. Instead of bombarding my mind with Kingdom “Mega Hertz;” I was allowing myself to be overwhelmed by short wave devil provoked propaganda. 11

No amount of effort on my part, in that situation would lift me out. It was when I tuned into the higher level FM - I call it the (Frequency Messiah) signal, my mind changed and peace prevailed.(Ph.4:7KJV)

The secret is, to hear the correct message and respond to the correct signal. That signal is recorded and has been beamed out ever since Jesus arrived on planet earth. This signal is one of Light, Love and Hope. The heavenly radio frequency that broadcasts, “Grace, Grace” 12

I should adjust my antenna and tune into the correct wave length, making sure I am constantly overwhelmed with its message of Grace. 13 When I'm tuned into this worlds wave length, I become conformed to its destructive and negative propaganda, which subverts and undermines my spiritual wellbeing.14

I really believe that if I relentlessly allow myself to be influenced by the Gospel of Christ's Grace and come under its powerful wave length, it will smother and remove fleshly impulses and obsessions.

The High Frequency of Gods Mercy and Grace elevates me, uplifts me above my fleshly feelings. Feelings that provoke me to wrong behavior, contrary to my New Life in Christ. They buoy me up above the debilitating demands of the flesh. Why? I have placed myself under the ‘Son’ Beam of His Righteousness; 15 the Kingdom Transmitter, the Holy Spirit, beaming out a very high frequency signal that broadcasts liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind.16

If on the other hand I'm content to tune into the “base station” manned by the devil and his cohorts, I will experience defeat after defeat. Why? He is polluter of the airwaves, keeping me in bondage. But where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and unspeakable joy.17

So in order for me to be an overcomer, I must bask in the beautiful sound waves of Christ's victory.18 I must come under the High Frequency life giving Channel of the Holy Spirit. I must place myself constantly under the influence of His Grace; the energy and power of which, will automatically extract me from the power of the flesh. All tantalizing feelings and inclinations will be removed effortlessly.18

Any other action and reaction to overcome will be of no avail, because they rely on the law of self-effort and not the law of liberty - which is the Grace of God by the Spirit of God 19

All other spiritual communication that sidesteps the Spirit of Grace will cause me to continue in the same old mind-set. It will frustrate me and allow my old ways and bad habits to linger longer.20

The secret to my spiritual consistency, when stuck in a groove, is to tune into the “Heavenly Base Station,” where the directional signal is constantly re-routing my thought process back onto Christ’s wave length.

The Holy Spirit always has me on His Radar, pointing me to Christ and setting me free. That’s why it is so important that when I’m in a quandary, overwhelmed with excessive compulsive thinking; frustrated, fearful and depressed, that I pick up the Holy Spirit directional signal, “And be renewed in the spirit of (my) mind;” (Eph 4:23 KJV)

Note! [(Your) changed to (my) singular, by me for clarity]

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Vestibulum facilisis ante vel leo egestas euismod. Quisque non neque nibh. Maecenas volutpat nunc non arcu posuere, ac euismod augue pulvinar. Fusce suscipit ex vitae tellus euismod, at hendrerit justo interdum. Mauris pulvinar sit amet metus eget pellentesque. Ut hendrerit orci sit amet eleifend cursus. Nunc lacinia velit id dapibus cursus. Sed purus ante, consequat vitae posuere vel, luctus in nulla. Aenean condimentum placerat metus sit amet pulvinar. Nulla vestibulum metus urna, fringilla auctor quam molestie a. Mauris sodales enim eget turpis placerat pellentesque. Fusce dapibus purus nec leo rhoncus, et mollis orci tempor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus eget pulvinar elit. Suspendisse tristique aliquet lorem sit amet placerat. Duis ac vehicula metus, nec blandit ligula.

Quisque sit amet turpis a risus venenatis imperdiet. Pellentesque porttitor, mi eu congue dignissim, nibh odio pretium eros, sit amet malesuada diam felis sed ex. Vivamus sagittis facilisis lectus, in scelerisque ante. Sed ornare sit amet orci eu consequat. Aenean ut magna leo. Donec volutpat at eros id ornare. Curabitur vulputate accumsan volutpat. Morbi aliquam porttitor lorem, ac lacinia lorem lobortis vitae. Nulla eu sapien ipsum. Phasellus iaculis magna orci, ac tempor est lobortis in. Vivamus urna urna, sollicitudin id eleifend ut, aliquam sit amet mauris. Integer malesuada varius enim, sit amet ullamcorper lectus. Nulla posuere venenatis mi, vitae sodales justo ultrices id.

Fusce at rhoncus metus. Pellentesque pulvinar erat at ligula bibendum, id sagittis nisl placerat. Praesent nec leo semper, fringilla massa in, blandit sem. Phasellus ultrices sem non ante ornare, hendrerit tempus nisi congue. Vestibulum vel commodo metus, pharetra gravida elit. Suspendisse commodo gravida ipsum, et sodales lorem sodales sit amet. Quisque sollicitudin congue nisl in ultrices. Nulla tristique tellus libero, tincidunt ornare urna viverra vel.