Real Life Real Faith Christmas Magazine (2) | Page 16

12 Days of Christmas Gift Giving Have you ever celebrated the 12 Days of Spiritually - prayerfully offer up your gift. Allow God to fulfill a need with your gift, by selecting carefully, after much prayer, a gift that will be deeply appreciated and fulfill a need. This may include a meal, a helping hand, a warm coat, or more. Open up your spirit to the needs of others. Gratefully - acknowledge all the great and wonderful things your friend has accomplished this last year, especially if they were done for you. Give from your heart, an open armed heart warming gift of appreciation, and you'll be amazed Christmas in giving? at the value of the gift. Open up your gratitude attitude by giving more Flamboyantly - announce it to the world that this season. Instead of just one day of giving to you're giving this gift to your friend and why. Tell others, pick twelve days this season and one special everyone what a wonderful person your friend is, person on your list who gives more than you ever and acknowledge their valuable input into life and dreamed and give that person something back. community with a gift that recognizes their There are several ways to give. Combine one or all! activities. Anonymously - you don't tell, and they'll never If you can't imagine giving twelve wonderful gifts know. You can simply give gifts secretly, either via to one person, spread them around and find twelve email or via other means, sharing your best gifts wonderful people to whom you can offer and not telling anyone what you're doing. Just something of value: your love. smile and nod when your friend tells you about receiving something 'again'. Are you still trying to figure out what to give? Joyfully - with childish exuberance. Have you ever seen a child after they've found a way to give At [] you'll something special? They watch with glistening eyes find some answers. Get on Santa's Nice List today as their gift is opened and appreciated. Open up and you'll receive gift ideas for 12 days of giving. your heart and accept the appreciation when you Be Blessed this Christmas Season! give a gift. Let it all sink deep inside and warm your spirit. © 2007 - Bill Clarke Article Source: Real Life Real Faith | 16