Real Estate Weekly Volume 31 Issue 5 & 6 | Page 22

2025 Preferred Service Providers of the

Anthony Appraisal Christopher Anthony Myrtle Beach , SC anthonyappraisal @ sc . rr . com Tel . # 843.651.8152 Appraisal Associates of SC , In William M Hodge , III Sumter , SC WilliamH @ Appraisals-SC . com Tel .# 803.775.7300 Appraisal Professionals of SC LLC Kathi Tisdale Summerton , SC assc1 @ ftc-i . net Tel . # 803.460.5215 Advanced Appraisals Kimberly Stokes Darlington , SC advappraisal4 @ gmail . com Tel . # 843.825.9555 Bryant Temple Appraisals Thomas Bryant Florence , SC thomaspearl @ bellsouth . net Tel . # 843.615.2537 Bryant Temple Appraisals Tallon Temple Florence , SC tallontemple @ gmail . com Tel .# 843.615.2537 Bob Hendrickson RE Appraisals Bob Hendrickson Pageland , SC bobtheappraiser @ yahoo . com Tel . # 843.623.1033 Burdette Appraisal Firm Bradley Burdette Florence , SC Bburdette3 @ gmail . com Tel . # 843.230.7907 CI Appraisal Analytics Robert M Banton Huntsville , AL robb @ banton . com Tel . # 256.428.4545 Compass South Appraisals John West Walterboro , SC jmarshall . west @ gmail . com Tel . # 843.538.6814 Courtney Appraisals Michael Courtney Timmonsville , SC michaelcourtney @ earthlink . net Tel . # 843.346.3706 Cox Beall & Associates , LLC Fred Beall Myrtle Beach , SC fred @ beallgroup . net Tel . # 843.839.2700 Donovan Appraisal Group Jim Donovan Myrtle Beach SC jdonovan @ rcn . com Tel . # 617.458.9258 David McLaurin R . E . App . David McLaurin Dillon , SC dmsylvia @ att . net Tel . # 843.841.3065
Davidson Company Ken Davidson Bishopville , SC davco @ ftc-i . net Tel . # 803.428.4631 DC Appraisal David Chapman Florence , SC davidjosephchapman @ icloud . com Tel . # 843.687.1015 Efird Appraisals Sarah Devers Charlotte , SC sdevers @ efird-corp . com Tel . # 843.206.1826 Elizabeth Keys , Appraiser Elizabeth Keys Lexington , SC bkeys @ irr . com Tel # 803.730.0158 Ellis Appraisal Group Donnie Ellis Myrtle Beach , SC ellisappraisalgroup @ earthlink . net Tel # 865 250 1441 Florence Appraisal Ronald Hayes Florence , SC ronald @ florenceappraisal . com Tel . # 843.229.9212 Gardner Appraisals Bon Gardner Manning , SC bonhamgardner @ gmail . com Tel .# 803.460.4989 Greg Stone Appraisals Greg Stone Sumter , SC gregstone @ ftc-i . net Tel . # 803.775.0335 Integrity Appraisals of Carolina Andrew Carter Matthews , SC integrity . carolina @ gmail . com Tel . # 239.265.1054 James Brian Rogers Appraiser James Rogers Bonneau , SC brian . rogers @ homesc . com Tel . # 843.312.3878 James H . Wright James H . Wright Wadesboro , NC jameswrightappraisals @ gmail . com Tel . # 704.475.4119 jb509 @ bellsouth . net J . B . Lofton J . Lofton Cheraw , SC Tel . # 843.537.2898 Jordan Appraisals Steven Jordan Marion , SC sjordan5 @ aol . com Tel . # 843.430.1069 Lavender / McElveen Appraisals Gregory McElveen Hartsville , SC Greg . mcelveen @ gmail . com Tel . # 843.383.8583
McCray Appraisals Matt McCray Florence , SC mvmccray2003 @ yahoo . com Tel . # 803.200.2646 Palmetto Coast Appraisal Co . Lee Cox Hartsville , SC sleecox @ msn . com Tel . # 843.343.0950 Palmetto Residential Appraisal David Graupner N Charleston , SC palmettoresappraisals @ gmail . com Tel # 843.540.8143 Pennington & Meadows LLC George Meadows Hartsville , SC brian @ appraisersc . com Tel . # 843.332.7211 Robert W Thornton Appraisal Robert Thornton Myrtle Beach thorntonrobert1223 @ gmail . com Tel . # 843.267.0075 Shoreline Appraisals Inc . Zachary Koontz Green Sea SC 29545 zkoontz11 @ gmail . com Tel .# 304.543.2233 Sunshine Appraisals , LLC Karen Sue West Lake City , SC sunshine88 @ ftc-i . net Tel . 843.598.9391 Streamline Evaluation Services Blynn Beall Myrtle Beach , SC blynn @ cox-beall . com Tel . # 843.251.6016 Swamp Fox Realty & Appraisals Will Causey Nichols SC causeyw @ bellsouth . net Tel .# 843 430 5826 The Lancaster Company Leonard Lancaster Concord , SC lannylancasterco @ gmail . com Tel . # 704.791.5399 Veteran Appraisal LLC Mark Chandler Florence , SC mark @ veteranappraisal . com Tel . # 843.453.8928
ArborOne Farm Credit Baker Myers Florence , SC bmyers @ arborone . com Tel . # 843 372 2976 ArborOne Farm Credit Carey Middleton Florence , SC cmiddleton @ arborone . com Tel . # 843.307.5908 ArborOne Farm Credit Cricket Coward Florence , SC ccoward @ arborone . com Tel # 843 269 5020
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