Real Estate Weekly Volume 31 Issue 5 & 6 | Page 20


Inside This Issue …

Better Homes & Gardens - Segars Realty ......................................................... 29 Bryant Auction & Real Estate .............................................................................. 8 Carolina Real Estate ............................................................................................ 28 Coldwell Banker McMillan & Associates - Peggy Collins ................................. 8 Coldwell Banker McMillan & Associates - Teleaha Rowell ........................ 9 , 14 EXP Realty - Maggie Copper .............................................................................. 26 EXP Realty - Natalie Taflinger ........................................................................... 15 ERA Leatherman Realty , Inc .................................................................... 4 , 30 , 31 ERA Leatherman Realty , Inc . - Dorothy Corriero ............................................. 4 Griggs Floyd & Grantham Real Estate Services ............................................ 2 , 3 Jebaily Properties ........................................................................................... 16 , 17 Pee Dee Realtor ® Association ............................................................................. 10 Real Estate Direct - Melissa Floyd ...................................................................... 27 RE / MAX Professionals - Cathy Westerbeck ..................................................... 11 RE / MAX Professionals - Austin Group – Sean & Kelsey .......................... 12 , 13 Stepp One Real Estate & Property Management - Brandon Stepp ................ 25 Weichert , REALTORS ® - The Freedom Group - Linda Strauss ..................... 6
NEW LISTINGS ................................................................................................. 6 , 7
ATTORNEYS - REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS Finklea Law Firm ................................................................................................... 9 G . Lee Miller , Esquire , P . C ................................................................................ 19 McLain & Associates ............................................................................................ 13 McGowan Law Firm ............................................................................................ 21


The Greater Pee Dee area is known for its charming communities , beautiful landscapes , and a mix of urban and rural settings . Whether you ’ re looking for a cozy home , a spacious family house , or even a waterfront property , there are plenty of options to explore .
In addition to housing diversity , this region often features excellent schools , parks , churches and local amenities , making it a fantastic place to live and raise a family . The real estate market can vary significantly , with different neighborhoods offering unique characteristics and price ranges .
It ’ s also worth noting that the area enjoys a rich cultural heritage and numerous outdoor recreational activities , from hiking and fishing to local festivals and community events .
If you ’ re interested in specific neighbor – hoods or types of properties , call your REALTOR .® They can help provide more targeted information !
Industry Partners ..................................................................................... 22 , 23 , 24
SERVICES Two Men And A Truck ........................................................................ Back Cover
For Advertising Information , Contact : SHEILA STEPP 843-661-0314 Office 843-229-3067 Mobile sheila @ peedeerealestateweekly . com
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Neither the Listing Broker nor the Publisher will be responsible or liable for misinformation , misprints , typographical errors , etc ., herein contained . Real Estate advertised in this magazine is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 . This magazine will not knowingly accept any advertising real estate which is in violation of the law . Dwellings advertised in this magazine are available on an equal opportunity basis . © No part of this magazine may be copied or reproduced without written consent from the publisher .
Homes and Land in the Florence and Pee Dee area of South Carolina
Sheila Stepp - Publisher 843-661-0314 / 843-229-3067 sheila @ peedeerealestateweekly . com www . peedeerealestateweekly . com
20 - REAL ESTATE WEEKLY www . peedeerealestateweekly . com Equal Housing Opportunity