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What will you do with your freedom? Brad says there are three main types of attendees at his events. This includes: active single-family home investors who are feeling the pain of daily management and trying to scale, and passive investors who have capital to work with and want hands-free, cash-flowing opportu- nities. Or like him in 2002 — the educated corporate workers who may have some savings, but have never been taught about being an investor or business owner, and who may want to skip over single-family investing and start immediately as a multifamily investor, either buying large deals as a Syndicator or small- er deals with their own money. While his weekend training events are held in Texas, the strat- egies taught there can be applied anywhere in the US, as demonstrat- ed by many of Brad’s students and Brad himself who buy in different US markets. Brad says that while he enjoys world travel he believes success comes when you “invest in what you know, and where you know,” and that area of mastery for this edu- cator is in US apartment buildings. While this may sound complicat- ed or a big move to make, attendees love Brad’s ability to break it down and make it simple. For those who PAGE 38 • 2017 can commit a few hours per week, achieving their own financial free- dom can be a realistic and attainable goal as well. ENRICHING PEOPLE CHANGING MANY LIVES Those interested in finding out more about Brad and his events can do so online at ApartmentInvestorMastery. com or Then it’s up to each individual and family to decide how they will flex their freedom. For the Sumroks, it isn’t just travel and education, but also increasingly enriching others’ lives. Recently that has included help- >