Real Estate Juice Magazine 2 | Page 74

Meditating daily has shown to decrease stress levels and increase productivity by 50%.

Louise concludes with this statement “Discipline and structure in my rituals of meditating and breathing results in me not stressing; flowing with my deals; and having win-win outcomes with my clients.”

As I leave Louise’s office I hear some kind of chanting further down the hall. As I go down to investigate I see through the glass this six foot tall guy, well built, with a massive head chanting to himself. “I am the best…I am a master lister… I get amazing results for my clients” he is yelling to himself. The sign on the door says “Tony R…The Best”

I had heard of this agent before. He is a walking university. He can quote anything from Brian Tracey, Zig Ziglar, and Tom Hopkins just to name a few.

I enter and he greets me with a massive handshake with great pearly white teeth. “Hi, I’m Tony, great to meet you, let’s do business” In his deep confident voice. Wow, his passion and energy was incredible, I felt it oozing from him. So I ask “Tony, why are you so successful?” He points directly to his temple. “You are what you put in there! You put crap in, you get crap out.” He continues. “Do you know I have spent more money investing on my mind than most spend buying an unit. That is why I am successful!”

As I look over to his wall and notice the five consecutive years of trophies for being the Number 1 agent in the State for biggest earner, I know he means it. With his intense look he stares at me and says “Look, Real Estate ain’t rocket science. But, it’s your mindset that makes the difference between the average agents to those super agents. What you feed your mind is what you reap in results.” He continues to explain. “My car is my university. My daily commute to work is 30mins. Time going to appointments throughout the day in the car is between 1-2hrs. Then 30mins home. That is 2-4 hours in the car a day. I listen to CD’s, Podcasts, interviews. Anything that helps my craft and my mindset. Feed your mind” He concludes.

Did you know on average people watch 20 hours of television a week. Imagine what else you could do with those hours?

This got me thinking. How does an office like this have three high performing agents that are totally in the zone? I was intrigued who ran this office?

I ventured back to the reception and asked for the Principal. She replied “His next door having lunch, you won’t miss him.” As my mind was racing on who could this be I started to think back to those leading agents who had successfully transitioned to becoming a Principal.

Sure enough, next second I hear a roaring laugh and as I turn around it’s him. Benny Balance. He greets me enthusiastically “Let’s talk!”

So I get straight to the point. “How have you created such a high performing office?” He replies with one word “BALANCE” Then continues. “If you have a triangle and on one side you have BODY, then another side SPIRIT, and the third side MIND. Then if you spin the triangle fast enough it forms a circle, a never ending loop, all connected. It all becomes ONE.” He explains. “It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at your craft. Yet, you can speed that up by supporting it. Through your Body, Mind and Spirit.”