Real Estate Investor September 2022 | Page 10

Real Estate Investor magazine opened its doors in April 2007 . The first edition of Real Estate magazine ( A4 bi-monthly publication with a 20 000 print run ) hits the shelves of major newsagents and bookstores and newsagents in September .
In 2007 the prime lending rate finished at 13.1 %, Mortgage volumes were 207 331 and R7,39 could buy 1 U $ Dollar .

2007 2008

Best selling author , investor , and property guru , Dolf de Roos joined REI Media for his first South African Property Investment tour . He presented to over 10 000 delegates in six cities around the country , and his Interview with REI media achieved more than a million views .
2008 was the first year of the Global Recession where U $ 2 trillion dollars was wiped off the global economy . South African interest rates spiked to 17 % and local mortgage volumes plummeted to 130 320


10 SEPTEMBER 2022 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine