Real Estate Investor September 2020 September/October 2020 | Page 9



I think I want to change the look of my home , I am , however , not sure about the next step from here . And I ’ m weary of making a terrible move getting equally terrible results . What should I do ?


Undertaking a renovation is in some ways like a surgical operation . Everything is exposed , there are wires and pipes , technical details to consider putting it all back correctly and making sure it is all working in the end when you leave . Would you trust your friend , mother , or cousin to carry out the procedure ? Ideally not .
JOHN FRAZER Framework architecture and design
I have encountered clients contacting me after they attempted renovations themselves or as a cost-saving measure , hired non-qualified professionals for the work . These more than often have detrimental results with a poorly executed project , costing additional time , money , and effort to rectify , instead of getting it right from the start . A renovation is a big financial , emotional , and time-consuming investment . It ’ s important to do the relevant research before you start . I have walked through this process with clients numerous times , so here are the following pointers to take into consideration before anything :
1 . Consider your location before you decide to renovate , you can decide where to settle for better sun , or be closer to the school your kids go to .
2 . Think about the investment - Think about the result of this investment and if it will or not give you anything at a later stage . Ask yourself this question : How do you feel living in the house ? What you can sell it for on completion ?
3 . Design Language - Find an architect who is great at understanding the style and look of renovation you are after , and how this may affect and influence more functional aspects of the design .


What trends are about to take over the retirement living space , especially during the difficult time of the Covid19 ?


There have been some trends that have been developing over the past decade , and it is important that people intending to invest in this sector look to the northern countries like the UK and New Zealand to learn about those trends . There are many of them , but I will mention just a few :
1 . Changing of the guard in terms of people who are living in the retirement villages , most of the current residents are from the silent generation , like the 80s and 90s and they are the very different kind of fish . These people see the world very differently , they changed the world of work and they do not imagine senoir people or their parents living the same .
2 . The second trend is that most middle and many upper middle-income earners have not saved enough money to fund their retirement and affordability in terms of retirement solutions is very important . The retirement village industry is an elite industry , because people who are able to buy into the industry have made reasonable retirement saving . And having spent ten years into the industry I am a firm supporter of village retirement .
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2020 3