Real Estate Investor October 2022 | Page 3


Safe as houses

Apparently this simile surfaced into the lexicon during Victorian times , and speaks to the security of investing in houses as opposed to investing in the risky railway shares of the time .

One doesn ’ t have to look far to see a similar risky investment climate nowadays . A global recession is knocking at the door and now is the time to ensure your investment strategy is set up to keep building wealth during times of rising inflation and interest rates .
It should come as no real estate surprise that here at REI Media , we believe that - as an asset class - investing in property can be as safe as houses , as long as you do your due diligence of course . People will always need a place to live , factories and retail will always need a space to operate . By carefully managing your property portfolio you can create revenue streams that will come in handy during recessionary periods when you might need it yourself or want to take advantage of buying opportunities .
The storms of economic volatility building up here and abroad bring very little in the terms of investor certainty . But one thing is for certain , times are getting tougher for millions of homeowners around South Africa and a steady rise in the number of financially distressed properties coming to market seems inevitable .
That may sound doom and gloom , but not so for this month ’ s featured Master Investor , Daniel Lombard from The Assist Group . He has an inspirational and ingenious tale of disrupting the distressed investment property market by creating value for both the real estate investor and the financially distressed owner . The business ensures that the bank still takes its cut , the property investor makes a decent return , and more importantly , the financially distressed household can either keep their home or achieve fair market value when they need it most .
And on a final note , now that we have celebrated the magazine ’ s 15th birthday we decided to give the layout a shake up . You ’ ll notice that we have done away with the old sections and have introduced tighter categories to help you navigate to your interest .
We hope you like the changes and always curious to hear your feedback
Courage taught me no matter how bad a crisis gets ... any sound investment will eventually pay off . - Carlos Slim Helu
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine OCT 2022 3