developmental rights , therefore for any future development on the property , the restrictive condition will have to be relaxed .
Conclusion Title deed restrictive conditions can have impact on the value of the property and buyers and sellers should consider them . Before signing any offer to purchase on a home , buyers should carefully read through the Title Deed to ensure that they are fully aware of all the details pertaining to the property . Moreover , restrictive title deed conditions may sometimes be outdated and no longer relevant to character of the area , it is however important to note that they remain in effect , even if a character of the area has changed or proposed development is inline with the relevant statutory framework .
AUTHOR Cacisa Mgudlwa
In real estate , residence / settlement restrictions are commonly spoken about when sectional titles & body corporates are in question . Well , in normal township dwellings settlement restrictions do exist but in the form of Tittle Deed Restrictive Conditions .
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine OCT 2021 29