Real Estate Investor November 2021 | Page 50

In addition , Bellville is growing fast in sectors such as education ( tertiary ), health services , financial services , and business process outsourcing , and is emerging as a regional retail hub . Leveraging Bellville ’ s cluster of tertiary academic institutions offers significant opportunities to realise an Innovation District and student housing demand .
Through the City ’ s Catalytic Land Development Programme ( CLDP ), Bellville was identified as a priority Catalytic precinct and extensive visioning and preparatory planning work has been progressed to develop a long-term development vision for the area . The vision , which was launched by the Mayor on 1 March 2021 , builds on the latent potential of the Bellville CBD through creating a high quality mixed-use urban environment , public realm and an affordable and accessible public transport system .
Realisation of the City ’ s long-term spatial vision will be achieved through engaging with multiple role-players to work in partnership . In the interim , and as a way of proving the City ’ s intent to achieving this vision , the Urban Catalytic Investment Department ( UCI ) is in the process of converting this vision into a Local Spatial Development Framework ( LSDF ), which will be consulted publically during 2022 for adoption by Council .
Once public participation has been concluded and the LSDF be adopted by Council , the Bellville CBD LSDF will establish the long-term development
24 NOV 2021 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine