Real Estate Investor November 2021 | Page 29

Bellville Heritage Study Developing an understanding of Bellville ’ s rich heritage , culture and identity was a critical component of the City ’ s spatial vision and placemaking strategy . Bellville ’ s origins are rooted in it being a centre for trade and mobility .
An initial investigation into Bellville ’ s heritage identified several aspects that would inform the public realm interventions . Weaving these elements into the long-term development vision of Bellville is a way of enhancing Bellville ’ s sense of place , inclusivity , and belonging for present and future generations .
In addition to celebrating the tangible , and intangible , heritage of Bellville in the Bellville CBD LSDF and place-making strategy , the City is also pursuing an exemption from sections 34 and 38 of the National Heritage Resources Act ( Act 25 of 1999 ) in certain areas . This exemption will apply to buildings that are older than 60-years , which are not considered to have heritage value , thus facilitating development .
SOURCES Greater Tygerberg Partnership
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine NOV 2021 27