INNER CITY vision for the area , and identifies and prioritises interventions necessary to realise the City ’ s vision . These interventions will include a pipeline of investment projects including road infrastructure , utility and public realm upgrades , unlocking state-owned land for development , and creating an enabling environment for private investors through a review of the zoning requirements , amongst others .
“ Bellville ’ s origins are rooted in it being a centre for trade and mobility .”
The Bellville CBD LSDF will guide development and land use management decisions within the
CBD . It will also inform public and private investment initiatives by clearly indicating the City ’ s future development vision and priorities for the area . The LSDF will align with the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework and the Tygerberg District Spatial Development Framework , in compliance with the City of Cape Town ’ s Municipal Planning By-Law , 2015 .
Developing the Bellville CBD LSDF The Bellville CBD LSDF will give statutory status to the City ’ s longterm development vision for the area that was launched by the Mayor on 1 March 2021 . In preparing the LSDF , a statutory public participation process will be followed and is scheduled to
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine NOV 2021 25