Real Estate Investor March 2022 | Page 24


“ The secret of getting ahead is getting started .”
24 . Renovating for a Better Tomorrow
Steve Modise provided quality accommodation for students throughout the COVID pandemic . He takes real pride in Urban Lofts and the safe , well-equipped environment it creates for students to learn and thrive .
28 . To Restructure or Not to Restructure
How do you know if your property portfolio is structured incorrectly and how easy it is to change ? There are two ways to structure your property portfolio ; either via a Property Trust or with company ’ s shares held in a Holdings Trust . We explore the pros and cons of each and discuss the correct structural separation of assets and liabilities in specialised trusts .
32 . Spatial Development Framework ( SDF ) influences Growth
The SDF is a long-term strategic plan that can be used as a defining tool of facilitating a transformative agenda to establish models that will lead to the realisation of a city ’ s vision of building a compact , sustainable , inclusive and connected space to live , work and play .
22 MARCH 2022 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine