Real Estate Investor March 2022 | Page 20

So how does using the metaverse differ from the usual video chat platforms such as Zoom and Skype ? Basically , the metaverse is a digitally immersive environment that offers the opportunity to host hundreds ( even thousands of people ) in a single instance of a server to :
1 . Network , connect and extend human time interactions in a virtual world of three-dimensional ( 3D ) avatars with or without VR headset ,
2 . Work - create content , market , & exhibit products & services , or use as a training area or customer service centre , 3 . Virtual Marketplace for selling products . You can shop using your digital wallet . You become a digital economy where you can create , buy and sell goods , interoperably taking virtual items from one platform to another ,
4 . Land sales - Buy plots of virtual land in cyberspace ,
5 . Transact with crypto currencies and products such as Non Fungible Token ’ s ( NFT ) and tokenized assets on a commerce platform .
18 MARCH 2022 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine